You might find that your king is ready to give up the crown, your heir is ready to take your place, but you still have a few years in you and have no choice but to keep going until you die. After the End is probably one of the most popular CK2 mods, and one of the most imaginative as well. You can name them after your friends or family if that makes it easier for you. It’s also very well-made, where lots of research went into the historical accuracy of the events that take place. This is something history buffs are sure to enjoy. Of course, our journey through CK2 fantasy worlds wouldn’t be complete without making a stop at Middle Earth. The trait ID for the Naive Appeaser trait is naive_appeaser. Use the trait IDs with commands like add_trait and remove_trait to add, remove and change them. Personality traits are the traits that represent a character the most and impact if and how much Stress a character receives for actions and decisions that conflict with these traits. Diligent through going on a hunt, and Just from a possible event during feasts. Hedge Magician “Hedge Magician” is a magic trait that reduces the gp cost to craft magic items by 5%. As no character ID is specified, this command would give your own character the Final Months trait. Lichenology: “The study of lichens.” Affects Traits. Factions, dynasties, and religions are all represented by crests displayed on banners – proudly presenting their traits and achievements. As you play through your reign as king, you’ll inevitably grow old and be forced to hand the crown down to your heir. It includes dynamic atmospheres and water effects along with new borders and fonts for a completely different look. This comes in the form of the CK2 Plus mod, adding more content and choices to expand on what the original game has to offer.

You’ll keep yourself busy for hours on end here. Just get your diplomacy high, to avoid being too unpopular.